Eminent domain unsettles residents

“The City of Oakley’s plan to use eminent domain to remove seven homes at 3486 Main St. to make way for roadways, sidewalks and other future projects, has residents living on the property fearful of their futures.

Mark Weder, whose family owns the land, said that seven families – some with disabled members – will be forced to relocate.

“It will be devastating for certain people to move,” said Weder, who noted that he’ll also be out of a job, since he lives on and manages the property with one-, two- and three-bedroom homes built in the 1930s.

City Manager Bryan Montgomery said the Weder family has known about the city’s plans for years but has had no interest in selling the property, which kick-started the eminent-domain procedures.

The city council’s recent approval of the eminent-domain declaration came with the directive that city officials continue to negotiate with the property owner to find a win-win solution for everyone.

“The resolution does move forward the process and begins to put the final value paid in the hands of the court,” said Nancy Marquez-Suarez, assistant to the city manager. “In the meantime, the city will be working diligently with the tenants to assist them in finding other options.”

Plans included for the area include extension of O’Hara Avenue to the north and the widening of Main Street, including the installation of sidewalks and the proper location of the O’Hara Avenue traffic-signal poles, and the development of a large parking lot and rear access road. “

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Source: Szymanski, Kyle. The Press 24 November 2017.