Pipeline protesters vow ‘huge fight’ against Trump

“Dakota Access pipeline protest group Bold Iowa bashed action taken by President Trump Tuesday to expedite completion of the controversial pipeline, as well as re-start the Keystone Pipeline. Trump’s executive order will allow work to resume immediately to complete the Dakota Access line, “subject to terms and conditions to be negotiated by us,” Trump said without elaboration.

“At this time, DAPL is more than 90% complete across its entire route. Only a limited stretch of the project is not yet constructed. Timely review and approval of energy pipelines is critical to a strong economy, energy independence, and national security,” the Trump administration said in a statement after the announcement.

A crowd estimated at 1,000 immediately responded with a protest of the DAPL decision outside the White House, the third sizable protest there in the first four days of Trump’s presidency.

The pipeline passes near Storm Lake, Alta and Newell in Buena Vista County. President Obama had taken action late in his term to suspend completion pending an environmental impact study by the Corps of Engineers.”

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Piolot Tribune 26 January 2017.