West Haven Redev. Agency could use eminent domain for The Haven if necessary

“The newly renamed, re-organized Redevelopment Agency met for the first time Friday, choosing officers and receiving a draft of a new municipal development plan for the area around what would be the first phase of the proposed The Haven upscale outlet mall.

Based on the draft, which has a couple of pages that are being redrafted before it is posted on the city’s website early next week, the most controversial component of the plan would appear to be the authorization of eminent domain proceedings in the event they should become necessary.

“It is anticipated that acquisition of these properties will be accomplished by negotiation by the Redevelopment Agency and/or designated developer with the property owners,” the plan says.

But “where a negotiated acquisition is not successful, however, the adoption of this MDP Project Plan authorizes the use of eminent domain by the City or the Redevelopment Agency to acquire certain properties,” the MDP says.”

read the entire article

Zaretsky, Mark. West Haven Register 6 March 2015.