Railroad commission approves new pipeline rules

“The Texas Railroad Commission formally approved new rules modifying what pipeline operators must do to become common carriers and possibly get the power to condemn land for their projects.

The new T-4 pipeline form approved Tuesday requires pipeline operators who claim common carrier status to attest to their knowledge of the eminent domain provisions in the Texas Property Code and the Texas Landowner’s Bill of Rights.

They also must verify their claim with a sworn statement and documentation providing support for this classification.

The new rules go into effect March 1.

“Revising this form creates more accountability for the pipeline industry while enhancing our regulatory oversight,” said Commission Chairman Christi Craddick.

The agency, which regulates the state’s oil and gas industry, has been criticized as rubber-stamping applications by companies that want to lay pipelines that carry natural gas, hazardous materials and other substances.

Previously, if a company wanted a pipeline permit, it simply submitted a one-page form and put an “X” in the “common carrier” box. A different box was checked to say whether another company could use the pipeline, meaning that it is for the public’s common good.”

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Baker, Max. Star Telegram 24 February 2015.