Senate bill would limit county use of eminent domain

“The state senate local government committee will vote Tuesday on SB15-114, which would reduce counties’ authority to use eminent domain to acquire open space.

The committee heard testimony and debate for the bill last Tuesday.

Bill sponsor Sen. Larry Crowder (R-Alamosa), described personal property rights as sacred, saying, “We should never be taking property for open space.”

Additionally, Crowder spoke of a situation in Summit County as the catalyst for the bill. A property within the county was discovered to be in violation of several zoning rules. The Hunter Mine property was zoned as back country with vehicles prohibited due to the ecosystem make-up of the land. In addition, the property had limited development rights. The county learned that not only were vehicles were being used to access the mine on the property, but a second story had been built on a structure on the land without the proper clearance.”

read the entire article

Crowfoot, Amy. 9 News 16 February 2015.