Open records push for projects like the Atlantic Coast Pipeline dies in House

“he push to open up records on projects like the Atlantic Coast Pipeline died in the House of Delegates on Thursday.

House Bill 1696 was killed in committee on a near-unanimous voice vote. The bill, introduced by Del. Dickie Bell, would have made public utilities subject to sunshine laws on projects where the company is allowed to exercise eminent domain.

“Eminent domain is a powerful tool, I’m sure everybody in the room knows that,” Bell, R-Staunton, said during a hearing before the House Commerce and Labor Committee.

“We have an opportunity to make government and public utilities a little more accountable to the people, and I think that’s a good thing.”

The bill, which still has a counterpart alive in the Senate, was filed in response to grievances raised by landowners battling a proposal to bring a 550-mile natural gas pipeline proposed to run from West Virginia through Virginia to North Carolina, passing through Nelson County.

“You really aren’t able to get any information, even at this point,” said Martha Purvis Smith, whose parents are among those expecting to be sued over the current standoff on surveying access.”

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Petska, ALicia. News Advance 29 January 2015.