Taking on Dominion

“Let the record show Del. Dickie Bell, R-Staunton, is taking on Dominion Transmissions. We are not sure this has ever happened before in Virginia’s General Assembly.

Bell has introduced House Bill 1696, which makes any public service corporation trying to use eminent domain subject to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act on projects for which it is exercising eminent domain. If this bill passes, all documents related to the Dominion’s proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline, which would cut through Augusta County, would be open to public inspection.

Does this bill have any chance of passing? Probably not. But are we glad to see it introduced, especially by a local delegate? Emphatically, yes.

RELATED: Bell seeks transparency in eminent domain

Dominion says it is acting in the public interest with the construction of a pipeline that will require seizure of large amounts of private land. In response, we say it only fair that citizens have full access to information about the project, just as they would if the government were exercising eminent domain to build a road or any other public project.

We wish Bell luck with HB 1696 and are grateful that at least one state legislator is willing to be part of Augusta County’s David to Dominion Transmission’s Goliath.”

read the entire article

NewsLeader 13 January 2015.