Clarksville council uses eminent domain for stormwater project

“Eminent domain is usually an antagonistic process, but Clarksville Town Attorney Chris Sturgeon says the town’s decision to use it to acquire easements for a stormwater project is simply procedural.

The town council voted unanimously Monday to approve a resolution to acquire via eminent domain temporary and permanent easements from CSX Transportation for a stormwater mitigation project in the Beechwood Manor and Maple Court subdivisions.

The town and CSX have an agreement in principle for the town to acquire the easements for $51,500, but CSX did not return paperwork finalizing the move by Monday’s meeting, Sturgeon said.
“They may still send us appropriate paperwork, and that’s fine,” Sturgeon said. “We’ve already agreed on an amount. It’s not meant as an aggressive move or anything. It’s more a cover-our-bases type of thing.””

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Koesters, Matt. News Tribune 4 November 2014.