Utility line opponents gear up for Iowa Utilities Board battle

“Opponents to an electric utility transmission line running from far western Iowa to Illinois are now gearing up for a battle in front of the Iowa Utilities Board.

The Rock Island Clean Line would transmit electric power from wind turbines in far western Iowa to the suburbs of Chicago and customers to the east.

The lines and large power poles needed would cross land in 16 Iowa counties. On Thursday, a Texas-based company, Clean Line Energy Partners, filed for a transmission franchise with the state utilities board.

A board spokesman said that request will kick off a study by board staff that could last for months and culminate in at least one public hearing. And opponents are vowing to fight every step of the way.

One relatively new sign of that ongoing opposition is visible from Highway 20 just east of Dike. One opponent painted anti-Clean Line signs on two semi-trailers in recent weeks. The trailers are parked on fields where the electric line would cross Highway 20.

Opponents believe 20,000 cars a day will drive by and see their protest.”

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Franzman, Dave. KCRG