High-Speed Rail Authority has 30 eminent-domain cases pending … and it’s just getting started

“The first trip on California’s first high-speed rail network is years away, at best. One reason: Assembling all the property the system will need is an arduous task.

The California High-Speed Rail Authority needs approximately 1,100 parcels for its first construction segment, 130 miles from Madera to Bakersfield. The state began making offers on properties in 2012 that were standing in the way of future tracks and infrastructure.
So far, the state has sought ownership of 822 parcels, and acquired just 106.

Not all of the negotiations have gone smoothly. The state has received permission to move forward with eminent domain proceedings for 36 parcels so far. Eminent domain is a legal process through which public agencies can acquire property at fair market value without the owner’s consent for a project in the public interest.”

read the entire article

Young, Alen. Sacramento Business Journal 7 November 2014.