PSC hearings on Grain Belt transmission line begin

“Missouri regulators began hearing testimony Monday on a proposed transmission line that would bring electricity from Kansas wind farms across Missouri to population centers in the east.
Clean Line Energy Partners, based in Houston, seeks permission to erect a 750-mile, high-voltage transmission line that would deliver 3,500 megawatts to Illinois, Indiana and states farther east. The company also says as many as 500 megawatts would be available for Missouri customers.

Clean Line wants the Missouri Public Service Commission to grant it public utility status to construct the so-called “Grain Belt Express” transmission line. The request has sparked opposition from some landowners and government officials who are concerned the company will use eminent domain to acquire farmland in the eight Missouri counties the line would pass through.”

read the entire article

Barker, Jacob. St. Louis Past Dispatch 10 November 2014.