State Politicians Plan to Use Eminent Domain to Save Community Center

“State elected officials plan to overstep the mayor in the fight to save a 40-year-old Williamsburg community center if he doesn’t support using eminent domain, they said Monday.

Assemblyman Joseph Lentol plans to reintroduce a bill in January allowing the government to buy the Swinging Sixties Senior Center at 211 Ainslie St., which has been called a “second home” to locals, using eminent domain.

After building was sold for $4.5 million about a year ago, the new landlords, father-son duo Victor and Henry Einhorn, began eviction proceedings.

But while Mayor Bill de Blasio expressed interest in saving the center, he has yet to agree to use eminent domain on the building, Lentol said.”

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Dai, Serena. DNA Info 15 December 2014