RICL files for separate eminent domain hearing in iowa

“It comes as no surprise that within a few weeks of making application to construct a high-voltage transmission line across Iowa, Rock Island Clean Line (RICL) initiated the process of seeking eminent domain authority. They are facing rejection from more than 87 out of every 100 landowners to voluntary easements. What is shocking is this comes after RICL Iowa Manager Beth Connelly and her bosses have been quoted repeatedly for more than a year saying they would prefer developing positive relationships while seeking voluntary easements without eminent domain.

The affected landowners need reasonable protection of private property rights from predatory private “for profit” corporations posing as public benefit corporations. Eminent domain is normally granted to governments alone in cases of proven public benefit. In cases like RICL’s, market forces should be allowed to dictate the location and value.”

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McElheny, Jim. The Des Moines Register 17 December 2014.