I-405 widening tiptoes forward as OCTA board parses language

“he Orange County Transportation Authority’s widening of I-405 inched forward Monday, though committee members were concerned their votes could be misconstrued as support for tolled express lanes.

As a result of these concerns, a committee softened language related to part of its agreement with Caltrans on the project, which will add a general-purpose lane on I-405 from Euclid Street to I-605, a project valued at $1.3 billion.

“This will be morphed into ‘We are in favor of toll lanes,’” said Jeffrey Lalloway, OCTA board director. “And I don’t want to see this agency’s credibility be attacked and Measure M be attacked by us going down this path.”

But OCTA Board Chairman Shawn Nelson doubted the state agency will get its separate express lanes project off the ground in time for that language to matter.

“I don’t think they’ll get to (the express lanes project) while we’re still here,” Nelson said. “But if they do and they have they money and they’re ready to go, then and only then will we help them.” “

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Mejdrich, Kellie. Orange County Register 1 December 2014.