Pipeline developer turns on pressure

“Days after federal regulators approved plans for a $750 million pipeline to carry hydrofracked natural gas from Pennsylvania into New York, many reluctant landowners along the 124-mile route got letters from developers threatening to seize access to land through eminent domain.

A copy of the letter, obtained by the Times Union, tells property owners who have refused to sell rights-of-way for the Constitution Pipeline that they have until Wednesday to accept offered prices before developers take them to court to force such sales for possibly less money.

Sent from the Philadelphia office of the national law firm Saul Ewing, the letter also warned that Constitution Pipeline Co. crews can show up on private property, whether owners agree, starting Thursday to conduct surveys or other tests. The company wants pipeline construction to begin early next year so gas can start flowing by winter 2015 or 2016.”

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Nearing, Brian. Albany Times Union 5 December 2014.